Intuitive Clearing
Clearing and cleansing a space.
Ren brings in her intuitive energy in clearing a space from past and present energy.
Her ability to tune into areas around the buildings to bring in great energy flow.
Businesses will feel a sense of motivation and direction after a session.
Personal spaces will feel more in balance and scared.
With her years of design knowledge and personal experiences physically doing this, she has mastered the trail and tribulations in this field.

& Wills
From simplistic to specialized
Hello, your thinking about your funeral.
By having a funeral pack arranged,
is one of the most wonderful gifts to give to your loved ones and take out all the concerns, worry and you leave.
Make it a grand gesture a fun -real with lots of the fun emphasized.
Do it unique and tailor made.
It as great time to sort out your funeral arrangements and lets do it with a great approach and look at the wonderful options you get to put in place.
All those questions: buried or cremated? what clothes? who attends? can i choose my music?
Food, drinks... or a simple in the paddock with the animals too.
As we do reachable funerals.
We removal all the pressure of social expectations and listen to you.
Have a budget then lets work within that.
Go to our shop to view headstones and memorial items.
Yes from $80 you can purchase a will kit. www.b-free/shop
We will sort out a legal biding will kit.
This will be done together with B-free staff and yourself, plus any others your request to be there as support.
Copies that are signed will be kept and saved till the appropriate time to act on it.
Anytime you need to update or change the will, simply request a time to meet and we will do adjustments accordingly.
B-free will keep a copy of you will safe and available for when you request it or the person nominated as your executor or nominated person. .
What happens if a Will can’t be found?
If your executors/family/beneficiaries cannot find your Will then the Laws of Intestacy apply. Under this law your estate is divided up in a set way, for example:
If there is a spouse, civil union partner, or de facto partner, and children, the spouse or partner takes all the personal chattels, a prescribed amount (currently $155,000) and one third of the rest, and the children take the other two thirds;
If there is no spouse, civil union partner, or de facto partner, the deceased's children will take everything in equal shares;
If there is no spouse, civil union partner, or de facto partner, or any children, the deceased's parents will take everything;
If there is no spouse, civil union partner, or de facto partner, children or parents, the deceased's brothers and sisters take everything in equal shares.
And if you have no close family, your estate may simply end up going to the Government.
So contact the B-free team and be proactive now not later.
Should I have a Will?
Yes – we believe that all New Zealanders over the age of 18 should have a Will to ensure that their wishes are followed if the worst happens. By having a Will you can ensure your personal things go to the people who you want to have them.